
Am I In Danger?

Victims of domestic violence can be seriously injured or killed. We want you to be aware of the factors associated with domestic violence homicides. How many of these risk factors apply to your situation? Call Gateway’s 24/7 hotline if you want to talk. (770) 536-5860.

– use of strangulation or choking

– presence of a firearm

– possessiveness over victim or severe/extreme jealousy

– change in relationship status

– harm to pets

– co-occurring depression

– co-occurring drug or alcohol abuse

– prior threats to kill, or threats which involve weapons

– threats to take, harm or kill the victim’s children

– previous suicide threats or attempts

– abuse during pregnancy

– history of physical and/or non-physical domestic violence

– increasing severity or frequency of abusive incidents

– stalking

– looming accountability related to criminal charges or civil matters

– diagnosis of a serious or terminal illness

– anticipated loss of financial security or job loss